Wednesday, April 08, 2009

What Mommy Bloggers Taught Me

All I ever read on some Mommy Bloggers' sites was about poop. Stinky poop, Winnie the Poop, animal poop, poop origami, Poop; it's what's for dinner, The 2009 Midwestern Conference on Poop, the Museum of Fine Poop, Poop Can Has Cheezburger and The Annual Running of the New York Poopathon.

I felt so left out because I couldn't blog about that.

I made myself a Metamusicle 2 days ago for breakfast. I bought some vanilla ice cream, let it melt and then stirred it in with the Orange Metamusil.

At midnight I woke up and was starving. I had nothing to eat because I shop every day. Because I eat everything that day. If I go out on a Sunday to shop for the whole week, it will all be gone by that evening. In another life I may have starved to death and my DNA won't LET ME FORGET IT.

All I found were pitted prunes. As if I'd never had a meal in my life, I ate a third of the bag.

5:00 a.m. I woke up with a stomach ache and felt some leakage and ran to the bathroom, looking over my shoulder at the disaster area I was leaving behind me and wondering if I should call 911.
"I'm leaking poop."
"You're doing what?"
"You heard me."
"We'll get a bucket over there right away, stay on the line."
"PLEASE don't send cute guys."

The worst part was that I was so confused I kept stopping and thinking "What if it gets worse and my intestines start to crown? THAT WON'T BE GOOD" So I created the Rocky Mountain Range of Poop starting from my bed, over a Romanian rug, into the hallway with regular blue carpeting, linoleum and when I had the bright idea of taking a shower, I left a trail to and from the bathtub and never once did it occur to me to sit on the toilet.

Orange you glad I didn't stop to take pictures?

End of chat.


  1. uhhhh....yuchhh! I hope you're feeling better now!

  2. A poop story worthy of the mommiest of blogs! Congratulations!

  3. I am glad we taught you a thing or two (heh two) about poop!

  4. what's that smell???

  5. I guess our houses smell the same now.

  6. You just keep working at it, and you might get as good as us!

    Next stop - vomit....

  7. That's certainly a qualifying poop story! Welcome to the club.

  8. Beckie6:37 AM

    Holy Mother of Poop! That's some story! Is it wrong that I almost shit myself laughing?

  9. Suzy, what a shitty night you had. I too feel left out by the mommy bloggers. So I decided the only way to cure that was to guy out and buy some Alli. There is a huge warning on the side that says "May Cause Anal Leakage" Well...don't eat a greasy hamburger and fries while taking it that's all I'm sayin...

  10. Poop Origami! What if it gets worse and my intestines start to crown?! I'm going to crap myself laughing.

  11. Thanks guys, I feel part of the club now. I've decided never to eat again.

  12. Blech! Suzy, you did not need tojoin that club. The good news is I'm not hungry anymore so you probably saved me from gaining a quarter pound.

  13. OMG. THAT was priceless!

    good one! Frankly, you can never go wrong with a good poop story.

  14. I guess I'm one of the lucky ones because my metabolism sucks so bad I could eat a 5 gallon tub of prunes with no side effects.

    On the downside, I couldn't lose weight if I chopped my leg off.

  15. I could never post about it on my own blog, so I'll share my worst poop story here. My daughter was about 12--very ill, spewing from both ends. I was getting her out of her pjs to get her in the shower when she squirted all over my hand. All over. Your story gave me flashbacks.

  16. Anonymous1:04 PM

    oh Suzy- I've never blogged about poop...come on. but i will tell you about the time my daughter was sick and thought my hands were meant to replace a toilet bowl and she took them, put them together to form a bowl and puked in them...thing is the fucking thing didn't overflow. I must have ginormous hands. But then again she was like 2...

  17. OMG..Suzy!!! My worst nightmare is about leaking poop and not making it to the toliet in time. Thank GOD you were at home!!!!!

  18. I laughed so hard I nearly peed my pants! Okay - I lie. I did leak a little pee. You've learned about that on the slightly older mom (not mommy anymore) blogs, right?

    Kegel, kegel, kegel........

  19. If you'd like be more comfortable writing about poop,feel free to watch my kids - ANY TIME you want.

  20. I think women know more about poop than men, who spend a longer time on the throne.

  21. sounds like ye be needin' a sooper dooper pooper scooper, suzy! :P lol
