Thursday, March 19, 2009


See that box with 99 followers on the upper right of my blog that's been there since the 1760's? That 99 is like a loose button to me. You fiddle with it until you rip it off in frustration because now you're afraid you're going to lose it because you've messed it with so much. SOMEONE GIVE ME THE FUCKING 100.


  1. I feel your pain Suzy, I really do, the next big digit leap just up ahead. It's universal I guess, because I recall even Vodka Mom lamenting her numbers not so long ago - and she has about a billion followers...

  2. okay you whiny bitch, i posted a link to your blog.

    These bloggers are incredible- someone will push you over the edge. If I weren't ALREADY following you, I'd love the honor.....

  3. My ass is huge and should count as two followers. I'll contact blogger immediately and have them do a recount. :)

    Have a happy day


  4. KRIS! That was DAMN FUNNY!!!

  5. There ya go! Credit Vodka Mom. *wink*

  6. Go Suzy, go Suzy...

  7. Thanks're my hero and look at that you got (whiney) uhm' suzy over 100. What we will do to help out a friend.

  8. Oooh, now you've got 103! I have exactly 100, and I'm sort of hoping it stays that way - it looks cool.

  9. Ha! You got your 100 + 3 and I lost 2 more people. I swear I didn't even talk about microwaving babies this time!

  10. I'm stuck at 31! Quit your wining!

  11. Hey, I have 9, do you think if I do the same thing I'll get 10? I don't wanna be too pushy, someone might take back their followership.

  12. Hey, I start a lot of my comments with "Hey", don't know why.
    Hey, your Blogher ad is for the Locator. I am trying to get on that show but the bastard hasn't responded to my attempts.

  13. Anonymous12:32 AM

    HA HA HA !! Vodka Mom to the rescue - she should charge for her following services. I'm stuck at 98 and it's been there for a while. If I hover there much longer, I'm calling on Vodka Mom too!!

    Not like I'm counting or anything - it's just when it gets uh, stuck at a number, it's kinda distracting...

    Congrats on being well over 100 now....


  14. Anonymous1:23 AM

    You're over the 100, so call me when you get to 199. OK?

  15. I never thought I would get over 50 followers so I am just happy with what I got, but if anyone else would like to join the crazytown bandwagon be my guest. Congrats on making it over 100 Suzy.

  16. Okay dammit, Suzy this was going to be my post today. I have 17 followers that I adore...but 17 and you miss thong abuser complaining about 99 ...WTF but I still Luv ya... any Suzy thong abusers please feel free to come jump over and visit me too ;-) I don't abuse thongs...I wear them as headbands...(see Kris's response it will make sense)

    Suzy Ya know I am almost kidding right!

  17. Yay! You made it :)

  18. How'd that happen?! It sent without me hitting the button!

    I was going to tell you that you really busted your ass to get those followers and that you should DEFINITELY take a nap or grab a maragarita or something...

  19. 100?

    I see you currently have 104. That's cool. That's VERY cool.

    Much better than me. I have a few blogs, kinda as an experiment, and a personal test, in a way....anyway!

    I have four following one blog, and only one follower of another.

    1! Give me those zero's!!!

    I love your blog Suzy.

  20. I have 18 dammit! Would somebody please just hit me baby two more times? I've got to get to twenty. It's driving me mad.

  21. Let me help you out here. But c'mon over and help a sister out...wouldja?

    Peace - Rene
