Part of the nightmare of moving is finding things stuffed into other things which in turn leads you to finding other things that you forgot you had. Ultimately you realize you have too many things.
And that your vocabulary needs work if you can't find a synonym for the word 'things.'
I found all these pictures hidden in an album I forgot I had. Because I have too many things.
Exhibits A through D:
A. My sister and I appeared in our hometown newspaper holding balls. Prophetic.
And that your vocabulary needs work if you can't find a synonym for the word 'things.'
I found all these pictures hidden in an album I forgot I had. Because I have too many things.
Exhibits A through D:
A. My sister and I appeared in our hometown newspaper holding balls. Prophetic.

But this was the one and only nuptials we agreed to participate in. Our father's 4th wedding. And that was because he paid our airfare. And wrote us each a check. And promised me a new car if I didn't swear.
I still have the same old car.