Thursday, January 07, 2010

Someone Has A Shopping Problem

The only items in this photo that I brought to L.A. from New York were the table, the kilim and the 1950's era vase.
The only thing that remains of my dining room above is the office below and yes it's the same space.


  1. Whoa there missy, how long have you lived there?

  2. WOW! You've lived in the SAME apartment since the 50's?!?! You're older than I thought (and I didn't think that was possible?!)


    Boss O xxxx

  3. Isn't it great when you get rid of all that noise? I have some major "simplifying" to do. The cleaning part does make my head hurt though.

  4. Anonymous5:26 AM

    The Goodwill store loves to see me coming. I unload 'stuff' there often always trying to simplify life.

    The Blue Ridge Gal

  5. I hope you stil have the kelim!

  6. I don't think I will ever show pictures of the inside of my house.

    I barely see it myself since I discovered my blind eye.

  7. OK - let me guess: the vase is wrapped up in the kilim and they're stashed in your storage shed. The top-heavy tippy-over table broke in 1998 and was thrown out. One chair somehow just disappeared in the living room and the other is now serving as a night stand in the bedroom. Am I close?

  8. Am I going to see you on an episode of Hoarders soon? And if you still have it, can I have the kilim?

  9. nice feminine touch, suzy :)

  10. I like it much better now. Of course I like to shop too.
    Sorry to see your toilet is not working. Your tweet just popped up on my screen.LOL

  11. At least you are organized and tidy. But that table, two chairs and rug didn't look messy either. Love the green on the wall, makes it look more cozy.

  12. Love it! It looks like a great place to work!

  13. oooooo nice little oriental screen there :))

  14. ha!!! lol...I'm laughing at Boss of Everything's comment, though only cos I'm in another continent----I know if i was there you'd hunt me down and kick my arse for laughing at such a raucous age slur.... lol xoxoxoxo

  15. I buy, I purge, I buy, I purge. I have shopping bulimia.

  16. I like the original rug better... :)
