Friday, April 05, 2013

I Nominated This For The Shorty Awards And For My (mostly) Selfless Act Got A Mention In Buzz Feed


NYC Based Web Series Brings The Laughs

The Louise Log: A Comedy Web Series appeals to Louie and Curb Your Enthusiasm fans.

posted on April 3, 2013 at 5:03pm EDT by Axton Ruiz

Comedy web series are a dime a dozen these days. Largely due to the fact we all have camera phones and think "if so and so can do it, I can surely do it". In reality we should wait for the professionals and spare our family members from enduring our had-to-be-there comedy videos. After our wait we then face the difficult task of finding the comedic gem in the proverbial haystack my father calls "the internets". Well take a break from your funny cat videos and fart jokes because I have found a web series with the comedy trifecta: consistency, relatability and hilarity. If you love Curb your Enthusiasm or Louie, check out "The Louise Log" web series.

"The Louise Log", created by Anne Flournoy, follows a Greenwich Village wife and mother as she struggles with her overactive inner voice. Each video explores Louise's attitude towards a variety of mundane topics. The topics range from picking your kids up from school, running into an old (and now more successful) friend or being perpetually late. The situations are unsurprising and relatable however Louise's reactions and inner-dialogue brings layers of laughter to the series. Flournoy has created a character defined by her awareness and attitude towards the world. It's Louise's world and we're just living in it.

Praised by iconic film critic Roger Ebert, notable playwright Eve Ensler and my favorite actress from Curb Your Enthusiasm, Suzy Soro, if you haven't heard of "The Louise Log" now is the time to get hip. The web series is already nominated for "Best Web Show" at the upcoming Shorty Awards so it's just amount of time before Fournoy hits the mainstream.

Don't miss an episode and subscribe at The Louise Log website. Or follow her on Twitter and Like her Facebook page.

Copyright © 2013 BuzzFeed, Inc.


  1. Cool. I have overactive inner and outer voices. I should just use my inside voice.


  2. I'm back and you didn't miss me, nor did you phone or send a card. Typical. Seventeen hours of labor and what did I get for my effort? A daughter named Joy who is NOT....uh...sorry...wrong blog.


  3. The Louise Log always surprises me, that's what I love the most about it.

    You did a good turn, Suzy.

  4. I'll have to check it out. Looks like my cup of tea. I did download your book but I have not been reading anything other than US Weekly lately(just kidding) . Seriously, I've been too tired to read anything and I promise it is the next on my list and will give it a great review on amazon once I'm done (I'm sure it deserves a great review)

  5. Just he look on her face makes me think, "Hilarious." Will check her out. Thank you, Mother Teresa, for suggesting her.

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