Friday, January 11, 2008

California Fire Damage Fall 2007


  1. How sad, But it gives me hope that i could live in a van down by the river.. I know where to pick one up.
    thanks :)

  2. How many more times does this happen before we finally realize we need to burn down all the trees down there?

  3. Fire scares me. I have smoke detecters in all rooms and in the hallway and basement.
    My cousin lives in a van down by a river in Santa Barbara, so it is possible. He even has a dog.

  4. I'd like a few more people to use the 'van down by the river' line...if possible.

  5. My cousin really does live in van down by a river. So, there!

  6. I had a guy hit on me that lived under a bridge by the river. Apparently, he didn't have the cash for a van. But he did offer me some of his jelly beans and a beer out of his 5-gallon bucket.

    True story...what can I say, when your hot your hot.

  7. OK what's really scary is that we all have a "van down by the river" story.
