Thursday, December 09, 2010

I'm Tired Of Writing

Thanks for doing this Lisa!


  1. I have always (as in since I met you) wanted to see your Seinfeld stuff. How fun was this! Suzy, that was cool.

    I also know Lauren Lane, who played CC Babcock on The Nanny, and every time I flip channels past that show (which must be on 24/7 on one of our local channels) I have to stop and say, "Hey, I know her!" We "lay people" are kind of pathetic that way, as you probably already know...

  2. I was so irritated with my husband when he changed channels when I was TiVoing this episode.

    You were definitely a match for Elaine!

  3. You're welcome! It's always been one of my favorite episodes so when I found out that you were Barbara Benedict, this had to be done. Sorry it took me so long.

  4. That is so awesome. =] You're insanely cool without being on Seinfeld, but with Seinfeld, you're like perfect. I'm jealous. =]

  5. Anonymous5:15 PM

    I'm not a fan of Seinfeld, but I am a fan of yours. Bravo!

  6. BadumpbumpbWOW.

    (seinfeld riff)


  7. I am so excited! I haven't clicked to play yet, was too excited.

    Thank you, Lisa..and I'm with Fragrant Liar, we Lay People are all pathetic like this.

    Who would have guessed, the first time I saw this, way long ago before I was married, that I'd be now talking to you.

    Life is a funny thing.

    I never would've believed it...

    Now, I'm going to watch it.

    I am all shivery.

  8. Awesome! Man, you were a bitch.

    Good acting!



  9. Aww, dangit...Bob the Wonder Computer won't let me watch embedded videos. I feel so left out...sniff...

    Shade and Sweetwater,
    K (who will just have to search Youtube in hopes of seeing you, Mizz Suzy)(because I never saw a single episode of Seinfeld)(I live under a rock)

  10. ah suzy, there's a little box on your blog, and it has you on tv! did you know that? that you were on seinfeld? it's true!

    SO cool ;)

  11. I loved this episode, one of my favs, and had I "known" you then Suzy, I'd have been rooting for you... oh wait, you did get the last babka!

  12. I think the question everyone here is too afraid to ask is:

    So, how was the Babka?

  13. No, Moooooog35, the question everyone is afraid to ask is, WTF is "babka"? Is it some sort of cake? Do I have to have lived in New York to know what it is? Or have I just been under a rock my whole life, like Kyddryn? I've also always wondered why they settled for the "lesser babka" (cinnamon), instead of going with those awesome "black & white cookies"...? Or a cheesecake?

  14. Awesome scene one of my favorites!

  15. Anonymous9:50 PM

    I saw this one accidentally on my own a year ago, I was eating Chinese and my jaw dropped, I instantly knew it was you. Now I want the Curb Your Enthusiasm clip please and that unedited scene from Showgirls.
    I once looked stupid as an audience member on Oprah, it was not free gift day so I also felt stupid, and used.
    X David

  16. holy crap... blonde, good looks, AND talent? zowie!

  17. Thanks - I caught that episode when you mentioned it would be on, now I can look at you whenever I want (or don't).

  18. Very cool!!! You make a great babka shopper.
    Your hair-oy, so beautiful.
