Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Thanks For The Good Wishes Bitches

Help me welcome Zhao, a new follower and ceramist from China. Welcomo Zhao (that's welcome in Chinese)

Now don't go all wacko on me Sherri because I HAVE NO RECIPES because of this.

This is the only one I know off the top of my head and it's only for when you get sick, which given the tons of alkies who read this blog, is probably often.

1. One cup of Hot Chocolate
2. Half an inch of Scotch and ONLY that liquor.

I call it a Hot Scotch and I HATE Scotch. But you can't even taste it.

End of chat.


  1. I'm so happy there are funny people like you in blogland! You keep me laughing and I need that right now!! I'll be trying this Hot Scotch!

  2. Anonymous3:46 AM

    You're such a woman of the world, Suzy. Love that.

    Wonder if the scotch would help my cough.

  3. Anonymous3:46 AM

    You're such a woman of the world, Suzy. Love that.

    Wonder if the scotch would help my cough.

  4. Haha, I love how you say half an inch of scotch. I don't measure shit either, tablespoon, blah, I'll say three glugs or something like that.

    Since I'm such an alkie I might put a whole inch in there.

  5. How 'bout this?

    WHen I post my "recipes for the sickly" (you know, boring chicken soup, and such) can I post your specialty drink?

    I promise not to wack out on you!

  6. Who dyou callin an alcoughoholic?

  7. I think Heidi's already drunk.

  8. Well, I only have the scotch so that'll have to do.

  9. Does that recipe call for cheap Scotch?

  10. Seems like the best use for Scotch in my mind, too....
