Wednesday, September 02, 2009

But Wait! There's More!

Thanks for the 9 extra votes! I thought I'd add something else for incentive. These napkins are still sealed and the 2 coasters look like they're vintage but they're not. But they are cool.

I'm taking a picture of my good foot as that will be added to the winnings. I have to figure out how to pack a foot and what size box to use and whether to send it Ground UPS or Fedex.


  1. -->Those napkins could go to most bloggers I know (via the internet).

  2. I put up the link to your nomination..hope that's ok. I just hope people read my header otherwise it looks as though MY blog has been nominated ....and that may cause many of my readers to die laughing!!!

  3. whoohoo NOW everybody Geaux Vote. OR I am coming for dinner ;-)

  4. I did! But you can still come to dinner Dar!

  5. When are you coming, Dar? I got a spot at the table set for you.

    Oh, sorry. This is Suzy's blog and this is supposed to be about her.

    Rock on, Suzy! Go back and read my comment from yesterday again. You don't need a damn contest to prove anything.

  6. perhaps I should have put a GRRRRR in front maybe that would have sounded more scary!!

  7. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Are the cocktail napkins 3-ply? The thinner ones are a problem (can shred) when you're trying to get the red wine stains off the side of your mouth after a glass or two of Merlot.

  8. Maybe if you gave everyone some crap from your storage shed, too?

    Just saying Hi. Going back into my bunker, so you don't throw feces at me.


  9. the fun never stops here. just going over now to vote again cos i just realized with my new computer i must be anonymous to them...

  10. OOH a Suzy foot! AWESOME!
    I know I have to stop saying that word. I'm just too old.

  11. Let's get this done the Chicago way. Vote early and vote often.

  12. Anonymous10:55 PM

    Top Ten ain't bad , Kiddo. Next year you'll sweep the table. Work a puppy into the act and the top Pet Blog is yours.

    Seriously, I love the blog. Keep up the good work.

  13. If you move to Paris with your Mom you can go for the foreign blog next year! Just a thought competition might not be so high.

  14. Has anyone claimed the bad foot yet?

  15. I just got back from Florida and I'll get on the campaign wagon shortly... but I have to catch up over here first :)

  16. Feet should always go Fedex... to get where they're going before they start stinkin'.
