Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Please Stop Hugging Me

I'm not a fan of the hug. What happened to just nodding vaguely in the direction of the other person while muttering hateful things under your breath?

I see people lurch towards me with outstretched arms, like some Frankenstein off his meds, and try to grasp me in a claw-like embrace that, were I anorexic, would kill me. Although once they've got me in their clutches, I want to be killed.

Some of the worst offenders of the hug:

The Mom Hugger:

Please take your snot filled sweater and your poop-stained hair and walk away. Keep going. No, further, I can still smell your diaper genie.

The Drunk Hugger:

Please breathe on me harder because I have a cold sore I need disintegrated.

The I've Never Met You Hugger:


The Lonely Hugger:

Yes, I can tell you have no friends because now my 34 C's are 32 A's. Let go. No seriously, LET GO.

The Uncle Hugger:

"Uncle" means Sex Offender. Look it up on the Internet. God knows you spend enough time there.

Female Celebrity Huggers Hugging Other Female Celebrities:

Not interesting unless they both have very big breasts.

My Mother Hugger:

You have me confused with your other daughter, the one you love.

When I got hired to do Seinfeld I was told it was a No Hugging Set. I thought they were geniuses.


  1. No hugging set. So funny.

    Uncle Hugger is my new favorite curse word.

  2. Hugging has gotten completely out of control. I actually had to hug each of my (adult) students goodbye on their last day of class. I would have looked churlish to refuse, but really--is this necessary?!

    I was very happy not to have to hug you!

  3. Oh, my god, you make me laugh so hard.

    I did pull the Frankenstein off meds on you in SD, but I WAS SO HAPPY I COULDN"T stop myself.

    A wave and a "Hey, Suzy" just wouldn't have done it.

    I'll take my chances.


  4. I have been told I am not a "touchy feely" person and my entire family is. So I dread family events. I also had a boss inform a new hire in front of me "don't get in her area, she has space issues". This was the first I heard of it...Thanks for telling me I have issues.

  5. OMG! I could totally hug you right now.

  6. Is hugging at work a thing? Because I don't believe I've encountered that.

    People in Hollywood are weird.

  7. I hug my kids -- occasionally. I used to work with someone who would tell me she loved me every day when she departed. Thank you Jesus, she didn't attempt a hug.


  8. Just for that, when I actually come out to LA and meet your ass, I'm going to hug you. Long time.

  9. I've been thinking about it and I realized that sometimes I hug someone in public if my boobs itch. It's a way to give them a little scratch without pawing at myself.


  10. Damn. I am a HUGE hugger.

    but not you.

    I would NEVER hug you.

  11. i HATE hugging.


  12. -->I love hugging but hate when the other person throws in the cheek kiss. It disturbs my whole hugging rhythm.

  13. What - I was expecting a long one when I finally get to meet you. Oh well.

  14. hahaha! love this! one of my friends' mottos is, Whitney Soup Hates Hugs. lol

  15. Also not a hugger. Unless it's a sexual hug. From someone I find attractive.

  16. I am a 32A but, due to excessive hugging, now have a concave chest. Be grateful for the cushioning barrier of your extra boobage.

  17. The next person who hugs me and makes extremely high pitched kissing noises in my ear is getting icepicked.

  18. I am SO going to uncle, I mean drunk hug you when finally we meet! :)



  19. You should also have on there NO work hugs. Ugh...nothing worse than a retirement party/Christmas party where a coworker wants to hug me.
    Get off please. I don't like working with you, I certainly don't like you touching me after hours either.

  20. I am soo anti-hugging..except for little kids since I'm a teacher. And i have a group of lifelong friends that are allowed to hug me. That is all.
