Thursday, February 02, 2012

L.A. Sign Of The Times #95

I'm fairly certain this resonates with a lot of people:

I know because down in the lower left hand corner, someone tried to steal it by pulling off the paper.

Santa Monica Blvd
Hollywood, California


  1. Haha! :) I've actually gotten voicemail and email that says exactly the same thing ;)

  2. I would so have stolen that. Unless the cops were around or are reading this post, in which case I would have stood by and admired it from afar without actually engaging in any larceny type behaviors whatsoever.

  3. I like that.


  4. ....I try to limit it to when I'm considering stalking you.

  5. I didn't mean to tear it, but the adhesive-release didn't work properly and I couldn't find a socket to plug in the steamer...

    I miss reading you, Mizz Suzy.

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  6. Glad I wandered over this way tonight for a little deja vu...or six degrees of something. I've seen 3 of those 4 cars pictured above (I guess I live just blocks from your sister.) And the "Morley" poster reminded me of another of his signs over on Pico & Bundy in front of Teddy's Cafe. I was stopped there and noticed a guy taking a picture of a large poster plastered on a utility box there...something about Karaoke and being proud about singing it or something. The weird thing is the guy taking the picture must have been Morley himself...or someone that looked a lot like the caricature in the poster. Small world, captured by Suzy, experienced by Brad. :)

  7. YOU could work as a P.I. I'm not even half joking. You don't miss a thing.
