Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Earthquakes And Rough Sex

This is the living room in my old apartment. You can't see the 20 year old carpet that the landlords refused to change, or the cracks in the walls from all the earthquakes and or rough sex I had.

This is the living room in my new apartment:

 I'm praying for an earthquake and or rough sex to get this shit TOGETHER.

(click on pictures to enlarge)


  1. Just imagine how a little rough sex will hang some pictures on those walls.

  2. Anonymous5:24 AM

    I'd bet if you had enough rough sex in front of that window, the neighbours would pitch in to get you some curtains for the creepy window.

    Maybe from Ikea, even.

  3. Maybe you could have sex rough enough to cause an earthquake?

  4. I like that rug in the first picture. It really ties the room together. ;)

  5. Sure you have plenty of class and style now, but for my money, unless and until you cover that window in foil and outline the triangle of life on that wall, I can't see an earthquake being all that helpful. But the Rough Sex? can't hurt.

  6. 4 out of the 5 comments mention rough sex. Interesting.

  7. -->If you weren't on that old carpet, maybe the sex wouldn't be so rough. Or am I thinking about rug burn?

  8. The new looks quite a bit like the old, except for the stuff hanging on the walls and some curtains. But like the others, I don't see how rough sex would get those up there, unless the guy is so grateful he does some work around the house afterwards (not during, please?)

  9. Don't hang anything on the walls. You'll be better off when the rough sex/earthquake knocks everyone's crap off their walls. Such a thinker!

  10. Maybe just loan the place to Redneck Mommy and Backpacking Dad for the weekend.

  11. Oh sweet girl...you just need a picture of the two of us on that wall and the apratment will be perfect:)

  12. Will having rough sex get you in the state of mind to hang pictures and move a box? All it does for me is make me want to take some Advil and sleep.

  13. Before I cast my vote: which has the better chance of occurring?

    I LOVE YOU Suzy SORO!!

    What a gas to meet you. I was beaming. xo

  14. Anonymous6:29 AM

    Suzy, the Zadge and I were thrilled to stumble into you (cause yeah, we were hungover) at BlogHer! You cannot deny the incomprehensible mojo Ikea has on most of America. I still don't understand why people want to assemble their own furniture.

  15. sex is rough?

    whatcha use, sandpaper? :P lol

    at least the buddha's amused!

  16. You have a microphone collection. You don't know how truly cool I think that is.

  17. Chris, you don't have your email enabled so I'm going to answer you here. HOWEVER, blog research shows people never check back on blogs they leave comments on and that's I answer people privately.

    What were we talking about again???

    Oh yes, the mic collection. You're one of a handful of people who've commented on it. Most of them live here in LA. So I can only assume you're an incredibly cool person not living in LA.

  18. Love Sheildmaiden's Big Lebowski reference. My rug ties nothing together.

    And love, love, love your hateful little bookshelf. I happen to own the Granddaddy version of it. It doubles as a room separator..which I neglected to bolt to the wall as per Ikea's Draconian instruction. Rough sex might topple that bad boy any day now.
